Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mountian Lion

Yesterday I received an email notice from someone in our homeschool group here stating that a mountain lion had been spotted in Moss Beach. I took notice of it since we were meeting another homeschool family at a park in Moss Beach today. The sighting was not close enough to the park for us to be concerned, but I noted that it was near the very small Half Moon Bay airport. While talking at the park we decided to join the other family at gymnastics after the park for Nicca to try out a gymnastics class. His soccer is ending this week and he needs a new activity. As we followed them to gymnastics I noticed we were going by the airport and told the boys that this was where the mountain lion was spotted. Michael said that he was going to find it. Okay . . . good luck.
As we pull into the parking lot Michael yells that he sees it. I look around and he is pointing up a hill quite a ways to a walking trail that probably goes down to the beach. I see no mountain lion. He continues on that he sees it and I tell him to stop messing around. He tells me it is behind a bush. Okay, yeah, sure whatever. I get out of the car and he does as well and points to that direction, and holy shit - the mountain lion comes walking out from behind the bush up the trail. The gymnastics people called the wildlife rangers because the email said if it was spotted again to call so they could relocate it to a more appropriate area. Michael really found the mountain lion. HOLY SHIT! It is populated beyong all belief out here. On the coast where we are there are lots of nature areas, but none that are big enough for animals such as mountain lions. It made Michael's day though, and at least it wasn't close enough for us to be nervous, so it was an educational experience.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random thoughts

VOTE! If everyone votes, then the democratic system will truly prevail. No matter who the winner is.

I am so glad my coconut water got here yesterday, being out sucked.

How did my children get so much candy from trick or treating?

It is a beautiful day!

Grapes are yummy.

I can't believe how different I look from a year ago, physically and emotionally.

We are super close to the San Andreas fault, not too sure how I feel about that.

Is the hermit crab dead burried in the sand? If so, how will we know?

How many different occasions can I buy Derby cake for?

Is it wrong to just have Honeybaked Ham for Thanksgiving instead of turkey?

She's pregnant and I'm excited!

Should I take the time to paint my toes?

Today is library day, hooray!

How come it is so hard to cut Nicca's hair so it doesn't stick up?

Will San Francisco ban gay marriage today? If so will there be a big uprising? I am living in the midst of history in the making. So awesome.

I can't believe I wear a size 8. (Compared to size 18 a year ago.)

My cats need to be brushed, especially Dinah. Where is the cat brush? When did the cat hair get out of control?

Should we take out the couch and put in another desk area?

I have to cut the pineapple today.

I have awesome bicep muscles. I have never had muscles before.

School in five minutes.

I miss my family across the country. Can't wait to see most of them in December.

When did window shades get so expensive?

Yoga class this morning was kick ass.

Hello Sun!

Lock the knee.

Lock the knee.

Lock the knee.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Decision made

The decision on whether to stay here more permanently or to move on in January was sort of made for us, part way. The company Jay is working for issued a hiring freeze last week. So he can't be hired on full time . . . yet. They still want him to stay so they have extended his contract until May 1st. He signed the new contract yesterday. This is a good thing because the money he makes as a traveler is more than he would make as a full time employee, so we won't have a pay cut until at least May. He makes more because we get tax free housing/car/food reimbursement added to his check. So we are here till at least May, then who knows.

My sixty daysof yoga is going good, today was day seven Go me!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Farmers Market

While Michael had soccer practice today, Nicholas and I went to the local farmers market they have on Wednesdays. We had been before and I was hoping to get some cheap apples for cinnamon apples. I ended up with organic pears, peaches, and plums, homemade cinnamon bread, almonds, apple cider, AND artichoke hummus. Those that know me know that this is way out of my box. But the guy had me try it and it was GOOD. Better yet, Nicholas wanted to try it to and he loves it. LOVES IT! My child that won't eat any vegetables at all and is picky about everything but sweets love artichoke hummus. Who knew?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Up too early for yoga

It's not pleasant to be up before my alarm goes off for my 6:15 am yoga class. Thanks to the guy next door who came home at 2:30 in the morning drunk and ran his truck into the hitch of his trailer. The trailer is part horse trailer (but no horses thank god,) and half RV but it has a horse trailer hitch and he ran his Dodge pickup right fucking into it. As if that wasn't enough, he proceeded to get pissed off at his stupidity and try to bang out the front of his hood with a hammer off and on for half an hour. And let's not forget the continued profanities screamed out throughout this venture. Oh and the mulitple times he started his diesel engine. We thought he would eventually go inside to pass out, but when he didn't, Jay went out and talked to him and someone else was also out trying to calm him down. What a fucking asshole.
But here's a thought - it is only by luck that myself or Jay never had an accident coming home from the clubs. But the banging . . . damn asshole.
So I have been tossing and turning since then from being wide awake. But now it is yoga time, maybe the heat will make me sleepy and I can just nap through it. Today is day four of my sixty days!
Have a great day!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Field Trip

We are studying earth science this year and have been studying faults this week, earthquakes next week. The science curriculum had a small project on the San Andreas Fault. Now seeing that we are just south of San Francisco, I decided to look it up and see where exactly it ran. Yeah . . . Jay drives over it everyday to and from work, it is actually only about a mile from our campground. So off we went to Mussel Rock Park. We hiked all through the park, I was hoping there were be a sign for us tourists, but no luck. We saw a tunnel in the rock where a railroad used to go through, that was pretty neat. The walk along the edge of the cliff was pretty neat to, very scenic. The boys wanted to climb down rocks holding onto a rope that was tied to the top to get to the beach, but being a party pooper mom, I said NO. I was already holding Nicca's hand for dear life and telling Michael to get away from the edge over and over. We saw what we thought was the fault because the rocks were drastically different colors but it wasn't clear like I thought it would be. Now remember that I am from Florida and don't know about fault lines. When we got home I read up a little bit more and discovered that we were right. We couldn't see the fault line there because it was covered by landslide leftovers. Houses are built up on the cliff right where landslides have occured on the fault line, CRAZY!!!!!!! It was a great hike even if we weren't prepared and were all wearing Crocs. I told Michael we would go back with Jay and attempt to climb down the rope. I promise I'll get a picture of that if we do.

On another note - tomorrow I am starting a sixty day yoga challenge. Sixty days of yoga for $60 (and that is cheap.) The catch - you have to go EVERY day for sixty days straight. I am allowed to miss one day, but then I would have to do two classes the next day. So I will be getting up for the 6:15 class during the week and 8:00 class on the weekend. Yes it is WAY early, but I feel great and prepared for the day when I am finished. Since I've gone yesterday and today I will really be doing at least 62 days of yoga. And yes I have lost my mind, or actually I have found it.