Monday, October 27, 2008

Up too early for yoga

It's not pleasant to be up before my alarm goes off for my 6:15 am yoga class. Thanks to the guy next door who came home at 2:30 in the morning drunk and ran his truck into the hitch of his trailer. The trailer is part horse trailer (but no horses thank god,) and half RV but it has a horse trailer hitch and he ran his Dodge pickup right fucking into it. As if that wasn't enough, he proceeded to get pissed off at his stupidity and try to bang out the front of his hood with a hammer off and on for half an hour. And let's not forget the continued profanities screamed out throughout this venture. Oh and the mulitple times he started his diesel engine. We thought he would eventually go inside to pass out, but when he didn't, Jay went out and talked to him and someone else was also out trying to calm him down. What a fucking asshole.
But here's a thought - it is only by luck that myself or Jay never had an accident coming home from the clubs. But the banging . . . damn asshole.
So I have been tossing and turning since then from being wide awake. But now it is yoga time, maybe the heat will make me sleepy and I can just nap through it. Today is day four of my sixty days!
Have a great day!!!!!

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